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Shifts and delays

Late Regulates

HR Manger can set more than one penalty list for the late regulations of working hours or for early dismissal.

Creative and modern advantages :

Specify different segments for delay time :delay time can be divided into ascending segment as for the delay time and put different penalty for each layer.

Various penalty for each delayed layer : there are three penalties for each segment which includes :
  • Multiplication Coefficient in minutes: here the program multiplies the delay time by a factor and the result is deducted in minutes.
  • Working hours: the program deducts a specified number of hours from the day and adds vacation days to the employee's balance again.
  • Points: there are some points are deducted from the employee’s points balance.

merging and diversifying the penalty:

HR Manger can mix between the penalty and deduction method, so he can impose a penalty on a segment with the multiplication coefficient and another segment for a deduction of the number of hours and another segment with a deduction of points, and the penalty can be increased in some segments by imposing two penalties together, deducting the multiplication coefficient and deduction of hours and points balance together.


Insert a list of late regulation to repeat the delay over the month level:

An escalating delay list can be defined by the number of delays at the month level.


Working Shift

The HR Manager can apply more than one shift and each shift can be defined either by flexible hours method or by fixed hours.

Fixed Hours :

  • Attendance hours of work place are defined as: login at 9 AM: logout at 6 PM.
  • The grace period of logging in is defined by minutes, for example: 10 minutes for grace.
  • A list of penalties for delays by choosing one of the regulations defined in the program.
  • A list of penalties for early dismissal by choosing one of the regulations defined in the program.
  • Extra working hours can be defined, if existed by the highest and lowest permitted limit to count the extra time.

Flexible hours shift :

  • Flex shift has been designed especially for the companies that work on individual productivity not group productivity like: programming, law and consultant companies.
  • Flex shift has two dates :beginning and ending date between them two fixed hours shifts which called core hours.
  • Flexible shift allows the employee to compensate time in case of being late or early dismissed and that happens during the working day, week or month.

Example :

Daily working hours: 8 hours

Attendance hour: 7 am

Dismissal hour: 10 pm

Attendance core hour: 10 am

Dismissal core hour: 4 pm

A list of late regulations and early dismiss can be issued in case of not Commitment to attendance and dismiss core hours.


Processing compensation days in the flex shift system :

Adding shift or compensate specific time on off day is allowed but adding shift in the same day is not allowed.

Processing special permissions and off days of day fraction :

It works from the begging or the ending of the original shift time not from core hours.

Off days of day fraction moderate target time of the shift, which means if the target time is 8 hours so the vacation makes that target time for that day only 4 hours, and doesn’t effect on the real hours.

Working Hours schedule

HR Manger can make schedule for group of employees that have the same shift, as could be defined one shift or more.

Define certain pattern of different rotational shifts for the employee in order to cover all different employees fields like commercial, industrial and medical fields and security guards, the pattern includes rotational certain days or certain days in certain weeks

Working hours schedule can be modified at any time, and control the modification influence over one employee or all the employees of the group.


Frequency of rotation of specific days (daily) :

Shift name The sequence of rotation times
Morning shift 1
Morning shift 2
Break 3
Evening shift 4
Evening shift 5
Morning shift 6
Break 7

Repeat rotation of specific days in specific weeks (weekly) :

The sequence of rotation times
First Week Seconed Week
Day Shift
Sunday Morning
Monday Morning
Tuesday Morning
Wednesday Morning
Thursday Half day
Friday Break
Saturday Break
Day Shift
Sunday Evening
Monday Evening
Tuesday Evening
Wednesday Evening
Thursday Break
Friday Break
Saturday Half day
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