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External errands and Dealerships

Contact parties

Build a complete directory for the involved parties including the important data for the employee to use in registering the errand request like: the name of the party / it's address / website / phone number of the party / GPS.

Add the data of a contact person or more (name / email / mobile number / job) to display all contact details to make the errand easy.

Possibility to distribute dealing parties into groups like (clients/ suppliers/ government departments /courts /accountant offices /revenue authorities ……… /etc).

Possibility to code dealing parties as for the level of each type.

To ensure the confidentiality of information and the employee's access to the data of the parties related to him, it is done by connecting the dealing parties to a specific group of employees who would like to deal with these parties without others.



It is any activity assigned to the employee outside the company, whether during or outside the official working hours.

The difficulty of the work cycle in the errands lies in following it up and gets the best use of the employee’s time outside of the company; the HRE for managing the errands is divided into a group of: parts that give a complete course for everything that matters to the employee and management which are:

  • Errand request (Whether issued by an employee or assigned by the director)
    • Approval of the errand request through the approval system (HRE Approval System).
    • Record the result of the errand.
    • Accreditation of the result of the errand through the approval system (HRE Approval System).

  • Request travel tickets for a work assignment.
    • Accredit the travel ticket request, recording the actual travel ticket data and uploading a copy of it.

  • Request for transportations allowance payment resulted from errands.

Errand request and it's accreditations :

The employee can apply for an errand request through mobile or website

The manager can assign the employee with an errand through mobile or website

The manager can assign ( a secretary / customer service / ……) by assigning an errand for the employee and the manager accredit it.

Possibility to start an errand from the company head quarter or from the employees house location ( direct errand / indirect errand )..

Possibility to register more than one errand at the same day.

Predicted errand attendance time is registered and the required time to finish it.

The program displays the employee's itinerary and commuting time based on errands location and the nearest employee to it. This is a very important advantage for the utmost usage of the employee's time.

Send an errand request to be accredited by using HRE approval system.

When the errand request is accredited, the program send an email for all people in charge in the dealing party – who is choosen inside the errand – to notify them with the errand and expected attendance time and the name of the company’s employee who is delegated to them to do the job.


Errand result and it's accreditation

After the specialist employee completes the errand the employee sends the errand result to revise what has been done, the errand result contains actual data (the actual time of party attendance and dismissal / record of what is happened at the party of actual results and recommendations / actual round trip transportation allowance / real pictures taken in the location and can be used in the inventory records or in case of the existence of any violations, etc.).

Errand result of the HRE Approval System is sent to the manager to be able to follow up the results or forward the result to the employee to edit what is required to be accredited.


Travelling tickets

When the employee apply for an external errand request inside countries or abroad and after the errand request approved, the employee can apply for a travelling tickets request – if needed – to this errand. Controls for determining the tickets granted to employees.


Controls for determining the tickets granted to employees :

The employee can choose his / her transportation method like ( plane, train, car…. Etc.).

Also choose his / her travelling class (tourism / business men… etc.).

And he also can choose his trip type (one way, round trip).

Departure and return date :

  • May be the employee wants to go the errand location early – a day before – to have rest before starting to work and also before return, so the departure and returning date is left for the employee to set and the HR manager approves it.

"The HR manager can revise the request and accredit the approval or deny it"

Issuance and delivery of tickets :

After the approval of the errand travelling tickets request, the HR employee who’s responsible for buying tickets buys tickets according available dates and required class, after that he registers what he did on the app to notify the employee to receive the ticket or print it online from self-service.

Request for transportation expenses payment

In order to let the employee get his transportation allowance paid, he has to follow :

  • Register the errand request and accredit the approval on it.

  • Accomplish the errand.

  • Register the result of the errand with the cost of the actual transportation allowance in addition to a report of the result.

  • Accredit the errand result and approve its items.

The employee can issue a request for transportation allowance payment easily as the program displays all transportation expenses automatically from the approved errand results.

"so you have to just send the request"


Possibility to pay money in advance under the transportation allowance account :

The employee can receive part of the money through the screen of (acknowledgement receipt) prepaid when the employee ask for paying the transportation allowance so the program deduct the prepaid and pay what is left.

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